If the development and Big Data professions have been on the rise in recent years, trends continue to evolve in terms of IT recruitment . With the latest technologies, new needs emerge and, with them, the need to quickly find ever more specialized talent.
As a young graduate looking for your first job or looking for a career change, it is not always easy to find the ideal niche, the one for which you are “predestined”.
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This is why we decided to answer all your questions through this article:
- What is the best branch of computer science?
- What are the jobs of the future in IT?
- What are the most sought-after IT professions?
- What are the most sought-after professions?
What is the best branch of computer science?
Unsurprisingly, it is the research engineering and IT development professions that are the most sought after at the moment. They encompass several areas such as software, networks and even artificial intelligence.
As a research and development engineer, your main mission is to develop new products and improve existing processes using new technologies.
In collaboration with the marketing teams, you are responsible for choosing the equipment and partners to carry out your project. The position is accessible after having followed training in a computer engineering school.
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What are the jobs of the future in IT?
If the resumption of employment in the IT market raises many questions in these times of crisis, the sector maintains its leading position in terms of recruitment.
Discover the 10 most popular professions in the IT sector in France as well as the essential information you need to know about them (missions, training, remuneration).
1. Full stack developer
The position of “full stack” developer (which literally translates to “whole package” developer) stands out for its very versatile side. A true web architect, his mission is to manage multiple and varied IT requests.
Website design, development, programming: so many tasks that can be assigned to him, in different areas. Most often working simultaneously on various missions, he must demonstrate organization and adaptation.
Several training courses are possible to become a “full stack” developer, provided you have graduated from an engineering school or a master's degree with a specialization in computer science.
In terms of salary, you start your career with an annual salary equal to €28K.
2. Video game developer
The video game sector has become more professional in recent years and provides numerous job offers, particularly in IT. The video game developer , also called “programmer”, plays an important role.
Its main missions consist of creating the game engine and programming the interfaces in line with the specifications defined by the project manager. In short, it's about bringing the game to life through code.
Most often from an engineering school with an IT option or a professional master's degree, the annual salary of a beginner video game developer is between €20K and €30K gross and can reach €40K for experienced profiles.
3. React Developer (front end)
The front-end developer is involved in application development. It acts at the level of ergonomics, integration of models, development tests and necessary technical corrections.
Its main mission is to improve the user experience by acting on the interface and content of the application. As its name suggests, the React Developer (front end) must master the ReactJs environment (open source javascript library).
He most often comes from a computer engineering school, specializing in the react.js environment. As a junior, he can claim an annual salary of €35K. With a little more experience and seniority, the latter can climb up to €50K.
4. Data Scientists
It is one of the professions created recently by the rise of Big Data. The Data Scientist is above all an expert analyst in statistics and mathematics. Its main mission is to manage and analyze raw data in real time.
He must be able to interpret this data in order to give it meaning and therefore strategic value for the company. A still little-known expertise which makes this profile particularly attractive to recruiters.
Although there is currently no dedicated training to become a data scientist , the prerequisites remain training in a business or management school such as HEC.
The remuneration of a junior Data Scientist starts at around €58K gross per year and can rise up to €75K for an experienced profile.
5. Artificial intelligence engineer
Halfway between computer scientist and researcher, the artificial intelligence engineer designs complex computer programs, capable of thinking and carrying out tasks like a human being.
Faced with a given problem, the artificial intelligence it deploys must be capable of processing information and responding to specific actions in an innovative way.
To qualify for this position, training in computer math is necessary, followed by an engineering diploma or a master's degree. There are currently several possible training courses such as computer science masters specialized in artificial intelligence or an engineering diploma with specialization in AI.
The salary of a starting artificial intelligence engineer is between €25K to €30K per year and can reach €50K with experience.
6. Cybersecurity engineer
Integrated into the technical management of the company, the cyber security engineer plays an important role in the fight against computer threats.
It guarantees the security of information systems by defining the rules set by the various regulations. To do this, he positions himself as a true project manager, in charge of multiple operational and strategic aspects.
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Graduated from a bac+5 (engineering school or master's degree with specialization in IT security), he is an expert in issues related to network, data and infrastructure security.
A cyber security engineer starts his career with an average remuneration equal to €38K per year, which can go up to €45K.
7. DevOps Engineer
Coming from the contraction of “development” and “operations”, DevOps is above all a concept and an agile corporate culture which aims to rethink the way of designing software.
The role of the DevOps engineer therefore consists of managing the software development process implemented while being aware of the challenges of deployment in different environments. The objective is to reduce development cycles by automating a certain number of tests and tasks.
In terms of training, the DevOps engineer must hold a bac+5 diploma and a high level of qualification. He has the choice between specialized diploma training or the “classic” course in an engineering school.
At the start of his career, his salary is generally between €36K and €50K gross per year.
8. IT architect
As his name suggests, the IT architect designs or adapts the structure of operating systems.
In charge of one or more development teams, he must be able to analyze the existing situation to formulate recommendations adapted to the needs of the company in terms of method, equipment or data.
Accessible with a specialized professional master's degree, an engineering school or a DESS/DEA in computer science, this is a position that requires a minimum of 5 years of experience.
In terms of remuneration, the IT architect's salary is around €30K gross per year for a junior profile and can rise to €60K at the end of their career.
9. IT project manager
From the study phase to operational implementation, the IT project manager participates in the implementation and overall monitoring of the IT project. He must, among other things, ensure that deadlines, budget and quality are respected.
He acts as a sort of “conductor” whose main mission is to translate the needs of his clients into IT solutions.
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Requiring a minimum of experience (between 3 to 5 years on average), this is a position that does not concern beginners. In terms of training, a university or engineering school bac+5 is a good start.
The average salary of an IT project manager is between €40K and €60K gross per year.
10. Mobile Developer
Last IT profession in our Top 10 and not the least: mobile developer .
Equipped with both technical and artistic skills, he participates in the design of mobile applications by intervening at each stage of development.
To do this, it must take into account the constraints linked to the mobile tool and user behavior.
Like Big Data, the profession of mobile developer does not benefit from specifically dedicated training. As with most IT professions, you will therefore need to complete a course in engineering school or a specialization in multi-media IT development.
As a junior, the mobile developer can claim remuneration of between €30K and €45K gross annually.
How to choose your future career in IT?
In IT, as in digital , or any other sector, the question of orientation is crucial. If several professions are, a priori, likely to interest you, it is important to find out about their specificities: training, skills, missions, salary, etc.
So many aspects to take into account when making your choice. Because while career reorientation is always possible in IT, there is a good chance that you will have to start the training process from scratch.
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To help you see things more clearly, don’t hesitate to talk about it to those around you. Your loved ones, those who know you, will probably be able to guide you based on your personality and your tastes.
In the same way, you can seek the opinion of different professionals, whether it is your teachers or a guidance counselor, or even participate in a fair dedicated to IT careers.
Finally, you will find a plethora of information on the internet on the different IT sectors, starting with those which are recruiting. There are a multitude of specialized sites on Digital employment , orientation and job descriptions .
To conclude…
You now know which jobs are most in demand by recruiters in the IT sector. Are you interested in a particular profession? Would you like to find out about the IT job market in your region? Do not hesitate to consult the job offers online on LesJeudis.com .